Welcome to the blog, all the reasons to follow us

vincenzo giorgio ristorante la cianciola
Vincenzo Giorgio, innkeeper and cook by passion
May 16, 2023

Here I am to write the first article of the blog of “La Cianciola” of Cetara. First of all, I trust you, I don’t like calling it that. I rather imagine it as a diary. It is the corner, althoght virtual, of “La Cianciola” and his friends. Here we can meet in the name of sharing and enthusiasm. My intention is to take you by the hand and accompany you on a journey whose watchword is and will always be territory. I will make you visit Cetara because this is where “La Cianciola” is based. I’ll make you stop at my restaurant, even before my kitchen. I’ll make you stay next to me while I’m shopping. With my trusted suppliers. I’ll make you breathe with me the fumes of my kitchen.


The pages of “La Cianciola”

These pages are not meant for everyone. They are an invitation to enjoy food and wine for those who are really passionate about it. For those who want to discover that miracle that happens every day within the walls of a place of the soul, managed by a family and with a few trusted collaborators. We are located in a small fishing village at the beginning of the Amalfi Coast. Cetara, after all, is like this. And anyone who knows her knows that I’m telling the truth. Just under 2,000 souls in a tiny town in the Divine that makes the sea a reason for living. Anchovies and above all colatura, tuna and many customs that are carried out with pride and dedication. But we will talk about this later.



We thought of these notes with a creative spirit. It’s a way to tell you, always in great detail (I hope also unpublished!), who we are. We care deeply about our identity. And we want you to savor our history, bite after bite, always marked by an obsequious but never short-sighted attachment to tradition. We look at innovation without overdoing it. We focus on local products. We love simplicity and are devoted to the cult of hospitality. We like things done well, those of the past and we are happy to entertain ourselves with quality.


Only quality produtcs

We at “La Cianciola” are curious. We are not easily satisfied and we go looking for the best just to let you taste the delicacies that mother nature, generous, offers us. The farms of the Lattari Mountains, the vegetable gardens that fearlessly climb the rocks of the Amalfi Coast and the opulent sea of ​​Salerno are the strongholds from which we get our supplies. With humility and respect for what arrives in our home. Yes, because for us “La Cianciola” is our home. A sacred place where we transform the raw material into sober and sincere dishes. It is our way of making you enjoy a natural cooking philosophy. We will honestly confess our mistakes and share our successes with you. We will reveal to you how our dishes are born. How the idea gradually takes shape starting from a basic ingredient and then becomes the expression of a line that leads straight to the hospitality signed “La Cianciola“.


“La Cianciola”, blog but non only

You will never read long articles. We will make reflections, we will collect thoughts, we will report anecdotes. And, sometimes, we will give space for some insights. We will also share them on the official social channels of “La Cianciola”. But only to give those who wants the opportunity not to miss the path we are tracing. For the less patient, there is always the site. That showcase designed to ensure a quick but immediate overview of what we are and what we do. With the necessary references in case you wish to contact us. In short, we welcome you to this project, assuring you that our proposal is cultural before being food and wine. We wish all those who had the patience to get to the end of these lines, good reading for the continuation!

Vincenzo Giorgio